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Acai Berry Smoothie - by Jessica Taylor

Everyone has been talking about the health benefits of the Acai Berry, so we thought we should provide an Acai Smoothie Recipe. This is both quick to make and extremely healthy for you.


  • Acai Berry Pure Frozen - half packet
  • Strawberries, fresh - 1 cup
  • Banana - medium
  • Milk, nonfat - 1 cup
  • Flax Seeds - 1tbsp
  • Whey Protein powder - 1tbsp
  • Dannon Light & Fit - 4oz.



To create a superb Acai Berry Smoothie, you simply need to add the ingredients to a suitable blender and activate for 30 seconds. If taken once per day, you should start to feel the ant-oxidants taking effect. Major benefits from the Acai can include improved circulation and a healthier heart.


Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your new recipe!

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