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Split Pea and Ham Soup - by Martin

This split pea and ham recipe is a new version of an old favorite. This warm soup is perfect for the winter when you need comfort food. Serves 4.


  • 8 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 lb of dried split peas, rinsed
  • 1-2 lb of smoked ham, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 medium onion, thinly chopped
  • 2-3 carrots, chopped
  • 2-3 celery stalks, thinly chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, thinly chopped
  • 1 bay leaf


Cooking Instructions

Heat oil in a large soup pot and saute onions, carrot, and celery over a medium heat. Add salt and pepper and saute for 2 minutes.

Add garlic, bay leaf, and the dried split peas, cook and stirring for 1 minute.

Add the chicken broth and smoked ham which has been cut into small pieces into the rest of the ingredients.

Bring to a boil, cover the soup pout, and allow it to simmer for about 1 hour, until peas are tender.

Remove from the heat, allow for the soup to cool, and get red of the bay leaf.

When you have sufficiently allowed the coup to cool down, add milk, and using a hand held blender process until you get a smooth consistency.


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