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Pavlova Cake - by Jessica Taylor

Pavlova or “Pav” as it’s commonly referred to is a meringue cake with a light, delicate, crust and a soft sweet inside.


  • 3 oz of caster sugar
  • 1.5 oz of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cornflour
  • 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 3 egg whites


Cooking Instructions

Preheat the oven to 225 °F (110 °C)

Combine egg whites and caster sugar into a large bowl and whisk it until you have a mixture that is smooth and glossy consistency. It should be quite a thick texture and will lift into a soft peak when you remove the whisk.

Fold in the granulated sugar, and also add the sifted cornflour and vinegar. Folding simply refers to using a wooden spoon to lift the mixture from the bottom of the bowl and turning it over. Do this once, turn the bowl a little bit and repeat this same process until all the ingredients in the mix are fully incorporated. Don’t overdo it because you want to maintain as much volume as possible.

Using the base of a 8 inch cake tin, draw a circle on a square of non stick paper and pour the mixture on it, spreading it evenly.

Alternatively you could drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the non stick paper to make meringues.

Bake for 2 hours without interruption. When baking is finished allow it to cool for some time.

Decorate with whipped cream and fresh fruit like strawberries and mixed berries, and the pavlova cake is ready to serve.


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